Vimala Central School,Karamcodu,Kollam is Situated in the very near outskirt of the city of Kollam by the side of the National High-Way 66. Vimala Central School is celebrating its existence with glorious success. Greenery surroundings and tranquil atmosphere of the village, where the school is situated, enhance the feasibility of deep learning in a meditative mood. Learning here is a celebration; where teachers, students, parents and the society at large are engaged as a team in every step. We feel a harmony with the society and the whole nature. That is why the Celebration in our classrooms and campus becomes the cause of joy for all. Our school provides an ideal atmosphere for nurturing the innate talents and needs of young students. Education at Vimala transcends the confines of the classroom walls and pages of the text book. Our wide spread campus and facilities along with competent staff radiate an air of warmth.